Entergy offers customers that generate electric power using solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, or qualified biomass resources the option to Net Meter. Net Metering is available to residential generation facilities up to 25 kilowatts and commercial generation facilities up to 300 kilowatts who do not have any other generator connected to the grid. Customers who have small gas or diesel power generators that do not meet these qualifications may want to explore this link.
How does it work?
In New Orleans net metering, the kilowatt-hours produced by the customer and sent to the grid offset the kilowatt-hours sold to the customer in that month. If the customer sends more kilowatt-hours to the grid than used, the Customer pays the minimum bill amount, and the excess is credited toward the next month. Any kilowatt-hours credit left over when the customer discontinues service will be paid at avoided cost.
Net Metering or Interconnection of an electric generator is not permitted in the Downtown Network Area which is approximately bordered by the Expressway to the West Bank, Claiborne Avenue, Esplanade Avenue, and the Mississippi River. Submit any questions here for potential installations that are on the outside edges of this footprint.
Rules and regulations
The utility is required to supply a meter with the capability of recording two-way electrical flows. The customer will:
- Meet regulatory requirements, performance and safety standards including:
- New Orleans Net Metering Rule, local and state laws ordinances and codes including a finalized inspected permit
- Entergy’s Distributed Energy Resource Standards for Distribution Interconnection (effective May 1, 2022).
- National codes such as the National Electric Code; National Electric Safety Code; Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.; and Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
- Have safety measures that prevent the generator from feeding electricity to the utility when the line is non-energized, in an abnormal voltage or frequency or cause a degradation of the safety or quality of power on the electrical grid (control packages are available to do this).
- Have a labeled manual disconnect approved by the utility on the outside (available to Entergy 24 hours a day with no notice) information on labeling requirements.
- Be able to synchronize with the utility and stay synchronized.
- Pay for the reasonable costs of connecting, switching, metering, transmission, distribution, safety provisions and administrative costs that are directly related to the interconnection and in excess of the corresponding costs if interconnection did not occur including:
- A one-time charge for installation of the meter, (Residential $50.00, Commercial $75.00.)
- Normal other charges under the rates applicable to the customer (based upon the net kilowatt-hours). Also see: Net Metering Service Schedule
- Submit a completed, signed Interconnection Agreement for Net Metering Facilities (see below) describing the generator system (the customer may want to have the vendor of the equipment help fill out the form).
Sign up today
An electronic web-based tool to submit interconnection applications is now available. This platform provides an intuitive user experience to guide customers, installers, and Entergy staff through the interconnection process.
Apply online using our application portal
Agreements, rate and contact information for facilities located in Entergy New Orleans (including Algiers):
- Net Metering Service Schedule NM-4
- Interconnection Agreement for Net Metering Facilities
- For Questions related to this form contact enonetmetering@entergy.com.
- The Customer may want to have the vendor of the equipment help fill out the application.
- Net Metering installations located in Louisiana, but not in Orleans Parish, visit here.
The customer may want to have the vendor of the equipment help fill out the application.
For net metering installations located in Louisiana, but not in Orleans Parish, visit here.
Questions related to potential installations or this application? Please submit them here.